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Sunbonder( Ultrasonic Soldering Applicator) and Cerasolzer (Solder)


Sunbonder is a portable ultrasonic soldering device which operates basically the same way as a conventional soldering iron without the use of flux. By using Cerasolzer solder, it is possible to solder glass or ceramics without silver baking or gold plating the surface of the substrate. It simplifies the soldering process. Cerasolzer is a specially optimized metal solder to be used with the Sunbonder. It has excellent adhesive property unattainable with with the conventional solders like indium solder. It is particularly suited for various solar cell applications such as direct bonding the lead wires to the glass substrate without use of flux.

 Note:  Special pricing for limited time only until the inventory lasts!!  Sunbonder-3(100V unit)  & Sunbonder-4 (100-240V unit) at special discounted price!! Please inquire us before the inventory is depleted.


Sunbonder USM560                                         Sunbonder USM520


 Sunbonder USM528                                      Sunbonder-III (100V System)                                                                        ( phased out )

          Ceraribon (Copper ribbon+Solder coated)             Cerasolzer Solder 1kg Roll


Sunbonder Specifications                         Cerasolzer Specifications

  Sunbonder Operation Demo        
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For Sunbonder USM5xxx brochure, please download Sunbonder USM 5xxx.PDF            For Sunbonder-IV brochure, please download Sunbonder-IV.PDF(602KB)                       For Sunbonder III brocure, please download  Sunbonder-III.PDF(1.75MB)

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